Cinematic simulations and lasers ramp up the adrenaline, but the screens don’t shoot back. Training For Engagement (T4E®) knows that when lives are on the line, mistakes sting. The cost of training should be much less painful.
T4E markers make an impression. The .43 caliber paintballs hit hard, and the results are easy to see. Dust balls are just as visual, and pack even more punch. For those who want or need a more cost-effective round, T4E offers reusable rubber balls. These .43 caliber balls are like airsoft on steroids that hit hard at over 300 fps. The impact isn’t easy to forget.
T4E’s line of training guns is just as impressive. These are exact copies of the rifles used by the military and many law enforcement officers: the M4 and an HK416. For training with standard handguns, T4E offers the TPM1, Smith & Wesson* M&P*9 M2.0*, and Walther PPQ® M2 model markers. On top of all that, the HDS .68 caliber shotgun and TR50 .50 caliber revolver round out this versatile training equipment list.
When training for life's scenarios, think T4E for high impact, realistic, and cost-effective force-on-force training tools. Some common training platforms can run as much as $1.00 per round. T4E’s markers cost under $.10 per round. Even small departments and security agencies with modest budgets can afford to train more.